Book cover

09 Sep: Western Civilisation Under Siege – Cover

Preface Western Civilization Under Siege The book cover Under the sub-heading, The Assault on the Western Mind is a montage of faces representing what I consider to be eight of the most important players in reshaping and undermining the culture and philosophy of Western civilization. Clockwise from bottom left are: Xi Jinping – President of the People’s Republic of China and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. As well as flexing its military muscles with its neighbors, China is using soft-power to influence Western thought. As of 2014, it had set up “Confucius Institutes’ on 465 university campuses in 123 countries, to spread Chinese propaganda. Yusuf al-Qaradawi – spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Muslim group intent on waging jihad against the West by infiltrating Western institutions and spreading Islamic propaganda. George Soros – Using his massive wealth, Soros is the founder and financier of numerous left-wing…