civil war

26 Sep: Multiculturalism fails in France – civil war predicted

France has some 751 no-go zones. The French government labels them sensitive urban zones. But what they are are dangerous to whites and non-Muslims who enter. Some of the no-go zones function like micro-states, and are governed by sharia law. A leading French intellectual says it means where the police don’t go, the firemen don’t go and even the doctors and ambulances don’t go, except if they have no other choice. He says that these parts of France are in the hands of drug traffickers, gangs and Imams. Muslims block the streets illegally for Friday prayers. In this  video by an American news team, CBN News, French journalist and author, Alexandre Del Valle declares that the situation will lead to civil war   Muslim riots in France     Muslims block streets in France for Friday prayers   Some of France’s Muslim-controlled, no-go areas Fabrice Balanche, a well-known French Islamic scholar…