grand jihad

04 Jun: The Grand Jihad against the West

The Grand Jihad against the West Dutch politician and outspoken critic of Islam, Geert Wilders, in his book, Marked for Death, issued this dire warning: We are facing a determined enemy who is striving through all means to destroy the West and snuff out our traditions of free thought, free speech, and freedom of religion. Make no mistake: if we fail we will be enslaved. In most Muslim countries the people are subjected to the totalitarian socio-political doctrine that Islam calls shariah, where women are repressed and draconian laws prevail. Under shariah, polygamy, marital rape, wife abuse, female genital mutilation and underage forced marriages are rife. Translated as “the path”, shariah is a comprehensive legal and political framework. Though it certainly has spiritual elements, it would be a mistake to think of shariah as a “religious” code in the Western sense because it seeks to regulate all manner of behaviour…