15 Jun: Islamic terrorism: Orlando Massacre

We re-print here the article by Brigitte Gabriel, President of ACT for America.







n June

Omar Mateen

12, 2016, 49 innocent lives were taken at the hands of an ISIS extremist. This marks the most harrowing domestic terrorist attack since 9/11, as well as the deadliest mass shooting in United States history.

As people enjoyed their Saturday night at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL., no one could have guessed what terror was around the corner. As dozens of shots rang out, the heinous intentions of a cold-hearted slaughterer were clear.

Since 9/11, we have had 28,135 terrorist attacks committed by Islamic jihadists that have occurred around the world. We know what the problem is, we’re just afraid to say it.

Terrorist activity is on the rise, and President Barack Obama chooses to close his eyes and put his fingers in his ears.

This blatant disregard for our country’s safety is inadmissible, yet U.S. citizens still blindly follow this failed and egocentric leadership. As Americans, we need to wake up and acknowledge the dismal reality: as long as Obama is in office, ISIS is winning. Each time our president pleas for gun control as a remedy to these vicious attacks, ISIS wins. Each time Obama refuses to utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism,” ISIS wins. The longer we stand by and refuse to accept we are at war with a relentless enemy, ISIS wins.