political correctness


20 Oct: Gangs of Pakistani Muslim men rape, beat and sexually exploit more than 1,400 young British girls

Extract from Chapter 9 of my book, Western Civilization Under Siege

For years, police and authorities turned a blind eye for for of being branded racist

A story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—emerged out of the British town of Rotherham in Yorkshire in August 2014. Until then, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. 

Its origins, however, lie in two related factors, firstly what one Labour MP called “not wanting to rock the multicultural boat” and secondly, the fear by police, council authorities and social workers of being branded as racist

05 Dec: Milo, the champion of free speech, wows them in Perth


I attended Milo Yiannopolous’s sold-out Perth show.

And what a night it was.

I arrived half an hour before the start time. Not a protester to be seen, either inside or outside the Perth Convention Centre. However, I was confronted with a massive queue that stretched the length of the centre.

When I finally entered the large auditorium it was rapidly filling up with an enthusiastic crowd. What struck me was the demographic of the crowd. I am used to going to meetings to hear conservative speakers, where the average age of the audience is around sixty. Tonight the crowd was predominately young. For once, my grey hair seemed out of place.

03 Aug: How cultural Marxism came to dominate Western culture

Cultural Marxism, dubbed “the greatest cancer in the Western world”, is the ideological driver behind political correctness. It is the destructive criticism and undermining of all institutions of Western civilization and the traditional values underpinning it. Cultural Marxism was formulated as a way to subvert Western nations and civilization using methods other than direct political action. Cultural Marxism is largely a synthesis of Marx and Freud. It is Marxism as applied in the cultural sphere and the analysis and control of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in society, often with an emphasis on class, race and gender. Shortly after the Russian Revolution, in 1919 the Bolsheviks founded Comintern (the Communist International) to “fight by all available means … for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie for the creation of an international Soviet republic.”  Two Marxist theorists, Antonio Gramsci of Italy and Georg Lukacs of Hungary, concluded that…

02 Jun: The Decline and Imminent Fall of the West – Part 3

The remorseless assault on free speech I don’t think most people really understand how advanced the Left’s assault on this core Western liberty actually is. Once the intellectual, cultural and moral foundations of American universities crumbled under the onslaught of the Communist/Marxist-led radicals, it was relatively easy to advance to the next stage; the attack upon freedom of expression, utilising political correctness and racial vilification laws. Such attacks were assisted by conventions passed by the Soviet/Chinese/Muslim dominated United Nations, each of these groups having a vested interest in suppressing free speech. Racial vilification laws The United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that “any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.”  More specifically, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) requires all signatory states to “declare an offence…

18 Apr: Mark Steyn: The slow death of free speech

How the Left, here and abroad, is trying to shut down debate —  from Islam and Israel to global warming and gay marriage These days, pretty much every story is really the same story: In Galway, at the National University of Ireland, a speaker who attempts to argue against the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) programme against Israel is shouted down with cries of ‘Fucking Zionist, fucking pricks… Get the fuck off our campus.’ In California, Mozilla’s chief executive is forced to resign because he once made a political donation in support of the pre-revisionist definition of marriage. At Westminster, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee declares that the BBC should seek ‘special clearance’ before it interviews climate sceptics, such as fringe wacko extremists like former Chancellor Nigel Lawson. In Massachusetts, Brandeis University withdraws its offer of an honorary degree to a black feminist atheist human rights campaigner…

19 Jan: Camille Paglia – in pusuit of manly equality

In pursuit of manly equality BARI WEISS The Wall Street Journal January 01, 2014 12:00AM   “WHAT you’re seeing is how a civilisation commits suicide,” says Camille Paglia. This self-described “notorious Amazon feminist” isn’t telling anyone to Lean In or asking Why Women Still Can’t Have It All. No, her indictment may be as surprising as it is wide-ranging: The military is out of fashion; Americans undervalue manual labour; schools neuter male students; opinion-makers deny the biological differences between men and women; and sexiness is dead. And that’s just 20 minutes of our three-hour conversation. When Paglia, now 66, burst on to the American stage in 1990 with the publication of Sexual Personae, she immediately established herself as a feminist who was the scourge of the movement’s establishment, a heretic to its orthodoxy. Pick up the 700-page tome, subtitled Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, and it’s easy…

19 Sep: Islam is winning the new cold war

  The PC-ification Of The FBI  Story in Investors.com  Homeland Insecurity: If there’s any doubt the FBI’s gone soft on Islamic terror and may be overlooking more Boston-style plots, witness the bureau chief’s recent Hill testimony. In a testy exchange with Republican lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Robert Mueller reluctantly acknowledged FBI counterterrorism training materials have been purged of references to “jihad” and “Islam” and that counterterrorism agents have been restricted from doing undercover investigations at mosques. These outrageous policies likely contributed to the FBI missing signs of radicalization in the Muslim community — including that of the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston. The marathon bombers operated in plain sight of the FBI before killing three and wounding 260. During the hearing, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, blasted Mueller for concluding his agency had done an “excellent” and “thorough job” protecting the public and for saying he didn’t know…