climate change

8 (Demo)

17 Jan: How the Ford Foundation manipulates public opinion to promote its Marxist agenda

One of the greatest threats to Western society comes not from external forces, but from the enemy within – groups and individuals dedicated to the weakening of the fabric of Western society in preparation for the establishment of their particular agenda, whether it be the overthrow of capitalism, installation of a Marxist system or taking sovereign countries into a system of world government ruled by unelected elites, or a combination of all three. One of the largest and most dangerous concentration of unchecked power in the United States is the Ford Foundation, an organization with annual discretionary spending of around $500 million. It is spending power, moreover, for the political left, including organizations with cultural Marxist goals. Because it claims tax-free status as a charity, the Ford Foundation must submit an annual tax return (Form 990) detailing its “charitable” spending. We have analysed the 2017 Form 990 to gauge their…

03 Sep: Australia Shows No Warming Since 1876

As posted on Real Climate Science on September 2, 2019. There are 25 locations in Australia with daily temperature data going back before 1890. This graph shows all 1,389,419 daily maximum temperature readings at those locations since 1876. The actual waveform is a 120 year long cycle. The hottest year was 1902 and the second hottest was 2018. Australia was cold during the 1970s  ice age scare, just like everywhere else. Read the full article complete with charts and locations of readings    

24 Aug: Climate Change – The Science

Video – The truth about climate change.

This video answers the key questions about climate change from a scientific perspective, such as:

What is carbon dioxide?

What are greenhouse gases?

How do greenhouse gases affect the eart’s temperature?

Are the glaciers melting?

Are sea levels rising, and if so, to what extent?

What is the scientific method?

16 Apr: The History Of The Modern “Climate Change” Scam

Impending global cooling was the great concern in the 1970s according to the alarmist statements at the time. In January 1972, the National Science Foundation held a meeting at Brown University to discuss “climatic change” – when meant global cooling, which they said was of natural origin. Later that year, the participants sent a letter to President Nixon warning of a new ice age within a century. Read the full story at this informative website

19 Jan: Climate change: scientists predict possibility of new ice age..

Scientists baffled as Sun activity falls to century low

THE Sun’s activity has plummeted to a century low, baffling scientists and possibly heralding a new mini-Ice Age.

“I’ve been a solar physicist for 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything quite like this,” Richard Harrison, head of space physics at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, told the BBC in a 18 January 2014 report..

“If you want to go back to see when the Sun was this inactive… you’ve got to go back about 100 years,” he said.