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05 Oct: Logistics and costs for Australia to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050

Net-zero emissions will result in massive industrial and economic disruption. Unreliable energy. Higher energy prices reducing Australia’s international competitiveness.
Deployment targets that will be logistically impossible to achieve in the time frame.
A gargantuan total cost of 1.4 trillion dollars.
And in the words of Australia’s Chief Scientist, virtually no impact on the world’s climate.


10 Aug: Climate change disaster – just the latest in 50 years of end-of-the-world predictions

In the 1970’s it was disastrous famine, then a new ice age, then ozone’s Great Peril to Life”. Then “Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes” Then global warming became the new threat to life on this planet. When temperatures refused to rise over the past twenty years, global warming quietly disappeared, re-emerging as climate change. Now every unusual climate event can be attributed to climate change. Thanks to the Competitive Enterprise Institute for this collection of dud predictions.


17 Mar: The war on men and boys

“Smash the Patriarchy” – the March for Justice sign says it all. How any self-respecting male could wear such a t-shirt is incomprehensible The women and male feminists who took part in the so-called March for Justice were manipulated by the forces who are out to demonise men, particularly white men of the conservative mindset. There was little evidence the march organisers were targeting aggressive men or sex predators, but simply men, as the sign left and the sign above reveal, It is all part of the attack on the status of white men, hence the slogans “smash the patriarchy”, “toxic masculinity”, “white privilege”, etc. There is a wave of anti-male hysteria sweeping across Australia, fanned by the march and  by radical feminists and left-wing journalists. Why? Because standing in the way of the ambitions of globalists such as George Soros and the Ford Foundation and communists, left-wing extremists and…

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14 Mar: Female domestic violence: Four women conspire to cold-bloodedly execute boyfriend

It was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Paul Snabel had  been partying all night. In the early hours of the morning his girlfriend Karen Randall phoned and said, meet me for sex. Donna Randall Karen  Randall Irene Maslin Rhona Heaney The sun was rising as Karen’s sister Donna picked up Paul Snable and drove him to a remote property in rural Victoria. He had no inkling that this was to be his last day on earth. For Paul Snabel was heading into a trap set by four murderous women. Randall had wanted to permanently end the on-again off-again relationship with Paul Snabel but he was infatuated with her and kept phoning her and calling around. By October 1989, Randall didn’t want anything to do with her former lover. But he persisted and continued to phone her. It was a fatal mistake. Randall called a meeting of her closest friends. At…


12 Mar: The domestic violence industry demonises men

  Under the spell of radical feminists who have infiltrated various government agencies the Australian government regularly runs advertising campaigns promoting the idea that all domestic violence is perpetrated by white men. Below are just a few of the many cases demonstrating that women can be as brutal, if not more brutal, than men in domestic violence matters. After sex, woman stabs husband to death, boils up his head with vegetables and invites his children to dinner The media constantly trumpet the radical feminist line that males are violent killers, responsible for the majority of domestic violence.The story of sadistic killer Katherine Mary Knight may redress this imbalance somewhat. On 29 February 2000, in what must truly be Australia’s most gruesome case of domestic violence, mother of four, Katherine Mary Knight, dubbed the “cannibal killer”, cold-bloodedly prepared for the violent  murder of her de facto husband, John Thomas Price, by…

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22 Feb: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) – a truly apocalyptic threat

What is EMP? An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a super-energetic radio wave that can destroy, damage or cause the malfunction of electronic systems by overloading their circuits. An EMP is harmless to people biologically, passing through their bodies without injury, like a radio wave. But by damaging the electronic systems that make modern society possible, an EMP can cause mass destruction of property and life. A single nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude over any country, or say, central Europe, will generate an electromagnetic pulse that can cause catastrophic damage across a radius of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers to the critical infrastructure – electric power, telecommunications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water – that sustains modern civilization and the lives of millions of citizens. Because an EMP attack requires the detonation of a nuclear warhead at high altitude, no other nuclear effects – such as blast, thermal radiation or…