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05 Oct: Logistics and costs for Australia to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050

Net-zero emissions will result in massive industrial and economic disruption. Unreliable energy. Higher energy prices reducing Australia’s international competitiveness.
Deployment targets that will be logistically impossible to achieve in the time frame.
A gargantuan total cost of 1.4 trillion dollars.
And in the words of Australia’s Chief Scientist, virtually no impact on the world’s climate.

Kim on bomb2

22 Feb: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) – a truly apocalyptic threat

What is EMP? An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a super-energetic radio wave that can destroy, damage or cause the malfunction of electronic systems by overloading their circuits. An EMP is harmless to people biologically, passing through their bodies without injury, like a radio wave. But by damaging the electronic systems that make modern society possible, an EMP can cause mass destruction of property and life. A single nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude over any country, or say, central Europe, will generate an electromagnetic pulse that can cause catastrophic damage across a radius of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers to the critical infrastructure – electric power, telecommunications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water – that sustains modern civilization and the lives of millions of citizens. Because an EMP attack requires the detonation of a nuclear warhead at high altitude, no other nuclear effects – such as blast, thermal radiation or…