

10 Aug: Climate change disaster – just the latest in 50 years of end-of-the-world predictions

In the 1970’s it was disastrous famine, then a new ice age, then ozone’s Great Peril to Life”. Then “Acid Rain Kills Life in Lakes” Then global warming became the new threat to life on this planet. When temperatures refused to rise over the past twenty years, global warming quietly disappeared, re-emerging as climate change. Now every unusual climate event can be attributed to climate change. Thanks to the Competitive Enterprise Institute for this collection of dud predictions.

Kim on bomb2

22 Feb: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) – a truly apocalyptic threat

What is EMP? An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a super-energetic radio wave that can destroy, damage or cause the malfunction of electronic systems by overloading their circuits. An EMP is harmless to people biologically, passing through their bodies without injury, like a radio wave. But by damaging the electronic systems that make modern society possible, an EMP can cause mass destruction of property and life. A single nuclear weapon detonated at high altitude over any country, or say, central Europe, will generate an electromagnetic pulse that can cause catastrophic damage across a radius of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers to the critical infrastructure – electric power, telecommunications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water – that sustains modern civilization and the lives of millions of citizens. Because an EMP attack requires the detonation of a nuclear warhead at high altitude, no other nuclear effects – such as blast, thermal radiation or…


09 Dec: How can Western civilization be rescued?

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that made it possible for evil to triumph” – Haile Selassie. Western civilization is, without a doubt, the greatest civilization in history. It has delivered a greater quality of life, standard of living, wealth, freedom of expression and increase in lifespan than any other civilization. But, based on my research as presented in the preceding chapters, I believe the future of Western civilization is in grave danger. This is a civilization clearly worth saving for future generations, but it will take an enormous effort on the part of many citizens. With a few noticeable exceptions, politicians and governments have largely abandoned us. They have become captives of political correctness. The left-wing media are cheering on the Islamists…

Anjem Choudary

07 Dec: Chapter 12: What Do Muslims Bring to Western Societies?

Let me make it clear I do not dislike Muslims per se. In fact I know a young Muslim couple who are two of the nicest people you could ever meet. The husband works hard all week at his small trade-related business and on weekends likes to go fishing. His wife works for a law firm. I have been to their home a number of times and have never seen her wear any type of head covering. On the contrary, she enhances her intrinsic beauty by wearing make-up, high heels and form-fitting jeans. They are both Iranian (or Persian, as they prefer to be called). They are probably nominal Muslims, but whatever the case, they are a credit to their host country. They have assimilated into the Australian way of life and are making a positive contribution to our country. I would welcome more such immigrants. Unfortunately, such Muslims are…

15 Oct: Chapter 13: How Can Western Civilization Be Rescued?

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that made it possible for evil to triumph” – Haile Selassie. Western civilization is, without a doubt, the greatest civilization in history. It has delivered a greater quality of life, standard of living, wealth, freedom of expression and increase in lifespan than any other civilization. But, based on my research as presented in the preceding chapters, I believe the future of Western civilization is in grave danger. This is a civilization clearly worth saving for future generations, but it will take an enormous effort on the part of many citizens. With a few noticeable exceptions, politicians and governments have largely abandoned us. They have become captives of political correctness. The left-wing media are cheering on the Islamists…

15 Oct: Chapter 12: What Do Muslims Bring to Western Societies?

Let me make it clear I do not dislike Muslims per se. In fact I know a young Muslim couple who are two of the nicest people you could ever meet. The husband works hard all week at his small trade-related business and on weekends likes to go fishing. His wife works for a law firm. I have been to their home a number of times and have never seen her wear any type of head covering. On the contrary, she enhances her intrinsic beauty by wearing make-up, high heels and form-fitting jeans. They are both Iranian (or Persian, as they prefer to be called). They are probably nominal Muslims, but whatever the case, they are a credit to their host country. They have assimilated into the Australian way of life and are making a positive contribution to our country. I would welcome more such immigrants. Unfortunately, such Muslims are…

15 Oct: Chapter 11: The Muslim Invasion of the West

Prominent Dutch politician and outspoken critic of Islam, Geert Wilders, issued this dire warning: We are facing a determined enemy who is striving through all means to destroy the West and snuff out our traditions of free thought, free speech, and freedom of religion. Make no mistake: if we fail, we will be enslaved.[40] In most Muslim countries the people are subjected to the totalitarian socio-political doctrine that Islam calls sharia, under which women are repressed, and draconian laws prevail. Under sharia, polygamy, marital rape, wife abuse, female genital mutilation and underage forced marriages are rife. Translated as “the path,” sharia is a comprehensive legal and political framework. Though it certainly has spiritual elements, it would be a mistake to think of sharia as a “religious” code in the Western sense because it seeks to regulate all manner of behavior in the secular sphere – economic, social, military, legal and…