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How can Western civilization be rescued?

Throughout history,
it has been the inaction of those who could have acted;
the indifference of those who should have known better;
the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most;
that made it possible for evil to triumph” – Haile Selassie.

Western civilization is, without a doubt, the greatest civilization in history. It has delivered a greater quality of life, standard of living, wealth, freedom of expression and increase in lifespan than any other civilization. But, based on my research as presented in the preceding chapters, I believe the future of Western civilization is in grave danger.

This is a civilization clearly worth saving for future generations, but it will take an enormous effort on the part of many citizens. With a few noticeable exceptions, politicians and governments have largely abandoned us. They have become captives of political correctness. The left-wing media are cheering on the Islamists and the anti-capitalist wreckers. It is up to the citizens of each country to carry out the rescue.

The West has implacable enemies ranged against it. They are highly motivated, highly resourced and highly organized.

Wealthy benefactors pour millions into anti-capitalist groups. Greenpeace alone is reported to have an annual budget of $420 million.

The Ford Foundation distributes over $500 million annually to mostly left-wing causes and activist groups.

Oil-rich Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia, recycle the billions scammed from the West via their oil cartel, into schools, madrassas, mosques and Islamic organizations in Western countries.

According to a recent report, published by the World Halal Forum, global trade in halal food and beverages is currently estimated to be worth around US$1.4 trillion annually. With Islam now considered to be the world’s second-largest religion, and the fastest-growing, Muslims are soon expected to represent the largest share of global consumer spending.

It has been reported that the halal market is currently worth 16 percent of the entire global food industry and is predicted to rise to 20 percent in the near future

The halal certification protection racket skims off billions from Western countries by way of an involuntary, and often hidden, tax on abattoirs, chicken-processors, a wide range of wholesale and retail food items, many restaurants and even transport companies. From there it flows to Islamic organizations to establish mosques, schools and, in some cases, the financing of terrorist organizations.

Political parties are being formed to counter the Islamic threat, but much more needs to be done.

One of the bravest men in the Western world is surely the Dutch politician, Geert Wilders. Mr. Wilders started his own political party, the Party for Freedom (PVV), to campaign against the Islamist threat. His party has rapidly gained popularity in his own country, and, after the March 15, 2017, election, is now the second-largest in the Dutch parliament.[1] Mr. Wilders also travels the world warning of the Islamist threat. As a result, he lives under 24/7 armed guard because of threats to his life from Muslim extremists.

Mr. Wilders wears a bullet-proof jacket when speaking in public. Always surrounded by plainclothes police officers, he has not walked the streets on his own in over nine years. But he will not be silenced.

“Armed only with our pens,” Mr. Wilders says, “we must defy Islam’s axes and knives.”[2]

The West needs more Geert Wilders.

Although political parties such as Mr. Wilders’ PVV, together with authors, websites and conservative organizations, play an important and highly commendable role, they face a Herculean task owing to the toxic environment created by the enemies of the West, supported by a virulent left-wing media.

A guide to the magnitude of the task confronting any person or group brave enough to speak out about the Islamist threat is illustrated by Geert Wilders’ speaking tour of Australia in February 2013, sponsored by the Q Society of Australia.

Australia’s then Labor Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, for many weeks delayed issuing a visa to Mr. Wilders, forcing a postponement of his visit. Mr. Bowen then wrote a newspaper article warning people to stay away from his speeches. Western Australia’s conservative Premier, Colin Barnett, shamefully went so far as to tell the media that Mr. Wilders was “not welcome” in his state.[3] In a delicious irony, Premier Barnett subsequently found that it was he (Barnett) who was not welcome in his state. In the state election in March 2017, the Barnett government received one of the greatest electoral thrashings in the history of the state at the hands of an electorate tired of Barnett’s arrogance.

Businesses followed the politicians’ examples by boycotting Wilders’ visit, declining the booking of venues, turning down advertisements and even refusing banking services.

The Australian media hammered Mr. Wilders, labeling him “far-right,” “extremist” and, of course, “racist.”

Geert Wilders’ Melbourne speech was blockaded by violent protesters organized by left-wing groups including the Socialist Alternative and the Trotskyist group, Solidarity. The protestors locked arms in front of the venue, clashing violently with police and attacking people trying to enter the building. An Adelaide schoolteacher was shoved to the ground, and his jacket ripped while the protestors screamed abuse at him. Initially the police stood back, allowing the thugs to block entry; but, as the situation became more dangerous, mounted police restored order.[4]

Mr. Wilders’ Perth speech was called off when the venue became one of 30 to cancel for fear of reprisals.[5]

It is a sad state of affairs when governments, politicians, the media, elites and even business-owners, treat in such a way a person who is trying to save them from their own stupidity. It illustrates that the persons and institutions tasked with guarding our security and freedom have all but capitulated to the jihadists. The capitulation is due in part to the inherent fear of violence generated by the soldiers of Islam: the street-marching violent thugs, the rioting, car-burning Muslim youths, the killers and the terrorists.

The disgraceful Wilders episode illustrates how much work needs to be done in the West to reclaim our culture and our democracy.

Hence we must take a wider view and set about changing the culture that nurtures Islamism, Marxism, anti-Western groups, and the Chinese hegemon – a culture that causes academics, the media, authorities and even Mr. Wilders own parliamentary colleagues to react violently to his timely warnings.

We must meet these highly organized, well-financed groups head-on with our own highly organized, well-financed groups.

The very survival of our civilization depends upon it

What is needed are large-scale, organized activist groups in all Western countries.

But the activism will not consist of shouting slogans while marching in the streets, disrupting traffic and clashing with police.

The rescuers of Western civilization must learn from the methods employed by the left-wing wreckers, such as Soros and the Ford Foundation. We must channel funds from wealthy benefactors in an organized way to set up a multitude of groups to change public opinion.

The activism should be directed to lobbying politicians, forming political parties, repealing dangerous anti-freedom laws, changing public opinion and generally educating an apathetic, confused and dispirited populace.

We must beat the left-wing groups at their own game. They are successful in changing public opinion because they channel a huge amount of funds into their activist groups.

An organized, disciplined group will always defeat a loose collection of people, however well-intentioned.

The Islamists are working towards their plan with religious zeal. They are ruthless and dedicated. The aim of a global caliphate is supported by the vast majority of Muslims throughout the world.

We can’t rely on governments to protect our way of life; the politicians have already capitulated to Islamic pressure and to cultural Marxism (political correctness.)

The West needs a group or groups with large-scale membership to tackle all the inter-related problem areas. It will not be easy. Such a group will collide head-on with the left-wing media which have entered into an unholy alliance with the Islamists and left-wing activist groups.

Appendix 7 (below) lists groups and political parties that promote some of the policies necessary to save our civilization, particularly policies relating to halting the infiltration of Islam and sharia.

The Islamists are happy to cohabit with other anti-Western groups such as the Greens, Marxists and extreme left-wing groups such as the Socialist Alliance, as they share a common goal of destroying capitalism and Western culture. But if and when the jihadists take over, we can expect mass beheadings of the no-longer-useful Greens, socialists, and Marxists, as they will then pose a threat to the Islamists. If, on the other hand, the Marxists manage to install their own Marxist-Leninist utopia (or, more correctly, dystopia), the first thing they will do, if they follow the policies of their communist predecessors, is to line up all the “useful idiots” against a wall and shoot them.

The group or groups we need must repair all the damage sustained by Western societies since the beginning of communism.

What is needed is, in effect, a counter-revolution.

The counter-revolution should be built around a number of wealthy benefactors with sufficient funds to set up an umbrella organization to finance and guide the lobby groups, websites, social media activities and political parties. Remember, the Ford Foundation doles out over $500 million annually to finance its left-wing agenda.

The following prescriptions may seem radical; but remember, a little over 50 years ago there were no racial vilification laws, no political correctness, no race, ethnic and gender studies and no multiculturalism. Universities were institutions of the great Western intellectual tradition. By returning to that former state, many of the West’s problems will be solved.

Instead of the evils of Western civilization promoted by Marxist history professors, there needs to be an emphasis on the benefits of Western civilization.

The activist groups must work to change public opinion, lobby politicians and set up political parties to bring about the changes as detailed below. Just as politicians take heed of the voting power of organized Islamist groups, so will they take heed of the organized voting power of organized pro-Western groups.

It will not be an easy task.

As Yuri Bezmenov said in his 1984 interview (see Chapter 5 above):

Most of the people who graduated in the ’60s – dropouts and half-baked intellectuals – are now occupying positions of power in the government, civil service, business, mass media, [and] the education system.

You are stuck with them…. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern.

You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information.[6]

Bezmenov went on to say that it will take a new generation of graduates to reach positions of power and influence before the situation can be reversed.

Happily, there are signs a counter-revolution has begun.

It started with the Brexit vote in 2016. The elites and the media sneered at British people wanting to exit the European Union, saying they had no chance. Yet the ordinary people prevailed. The British people are on the path to regain their lost sovereignty.

Shortly after, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, maligned by the elites and the politicians for its anti-Muslim immigration policies, captured four Senate seats in the Australian federal election.

Then along came America’s Donald Trump.

The media, the elites, and the celebrities sneered at Trump. The Democrat contender for the U.S. presidency, Hillary Clinton, declared his supporters belonged in “a basket of deplorables.” The media and pollsters said that Trump had no chance of winning the 2016 election for President of the United States.

But 50 million Americans repudiated the Obamas, the Clintons, the media, the elites and the celebrities and handed victory to Donald J. Trump.

If President Trump can turn back the tide of political correctness, shut down the giant global-warming scam and re-build America, I believe history will record him as one of the truly great U.S. presidents.

The following suggested policies should be read in conjunction with previous chapters where a detailed case is made for each policy.

  1.   Restore freedom of speech

First, Western citizens must regain and defend freedom of speech, the most important of our liberties. So long as we are free to speak, we can tell people the truth and make them realize what is at stake. Already our right to speak out against the Islamic threat is severely curtailed, thanks to political correctness and so-called hate-speech laws.

The Western world today is dominated by a system of beliefs, attitudes and values that we have come to know as “political correctness.” For many it is an annoyance and a tired joke. But political correctness is deadly serious in its aims, seeking to impose a uniformity of thought and behavior on all Western populations. It is therefore totalitarian in nature. Its roots lie in a version of Marxism which sees culture, rather than the economy, as the site of class struggle.

As a result, the West’s political, academic and media establishments are concealing the true scope of the Islamic threat.

  1. Repeal  racial vilification laws

Freedom of speech will be greatly enhanced by ensuring that all laws based on race, ethnicity, and gender, especially racial vilification laws, are repealed.

Racial vilification laws, the so-called “hate speech laws,” fly in the face of Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

If necessary, existing laws relating to threatening and intimidating behavior can be beefed up such as to make it an offense to threaten or intimidate another to the extent that the person intimidated feels genuine fear for his safety or emotional well-being. There should be no mention of race. This law would deal with social media stalking as well as bullying in the workplace and at school. Many jurisdictions have such laws. There is no need for laws where only certain races are protected from bullying and intimidation.

3. Take the fight to the propaganda fascists

We must call out those who use the terms “racist,” “Islamophobe” and “bigot” as leftist propaganda bullies.

So fearful of being branded racist, many government officials, police and other authority figures have been known to cower in fear and avert their eyes while heinous crimes are committed in their jurisdictions as evidenced in the Muslim sexual exploitation crimes in Oxford, Rotherham and in many other places in Britain (see Chapters 4 and 9). The end result of calling, or threatening to call, a person “racist” is little different from threatening violence to force a person to commit a crime. Hence I believe it not inappropriate to label such a provocateur a linguistic fascist or even a linguistic terrorist.

To publicly call someone a racist or an Islamophobe is highly defamatory and hence open to possible legal action. The laws of defamation in most Western countries generally state that the publication of any false imputation concerning a person is defamatory if:

  1. The reputation of that person is likely to be injured;
  2. He is likely to be injured in his profession or trade; or
  3. Other persons are likely to be induced to shun, avoid, ridicule or despise him.

Section (c) of the definition is particularly relevant to most people and, in particular, politicians and authorities.

What is needed is for someone with suitable resources to mount a defamation case against a perpetrator, and to establish a legal precedent.

  1. Repeal all laws relating to multiculturalism – cease taxpayer funding of ethnic groups and councils

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former French President Nicolas Sarkozy have all bluntly declared that multiculturalism is a failure in their respective countries. France is a lost cause due to Muslim immigration.

Multiculturalism’s main impact has been to divide societies by race and spawn multiple special-interest ethnic agencies.

Each nation is entitled to keep its ethnic identity.

Each country must repeal laws relating to multiculturalism and cease funding for ethnic bodies. The original policies of assimilation worked well in coping with mass immigration.

The dole provisions for all immigrants, including refugees, must be tightened.

Citizenship for immigrants should come with a caveat that any person accepted into a country will be deported if he is convicted of a crime that carries a jail sentence of more than one year.

Dual passports should no longer be allowed. Each holder should be made to swear allegiance to just one country.

Immigration rules relating to family reunions must be tightened to prevent individuals bringing in multiple relatives (and multiple wives).

Ethnic councils and lobby groups have become a massive and expanding industry, thanks to generous funding by governments looking to buy the ethnic vote. But therein lies the ethnic lobby’s vulnerability. Their very existence is heavily dependent upon taxpayer funding. What is needed is a media and lobbying campaign to cut off the funds flowing to these bodies. By all means, let them exist, but they should exist on their own merits and with their own funding.

  1. Cease immigration from Muslim countries

The floodgates of Islamic immigration to the West must be closed by cutting off all immigration from certain Islamic countries. To assist in this effort, each country should withdraw from the outdated United Nations Refugee Convention of 1951. This convention, set up with good intentions to deal with the masses of refugees following World War II, has been hijacked by the 57-member-state Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) voting bloc.[7] Removal of the convention will allow each country to take back control of its borders.

Each Western country should immediately cease issuing resident and humanitarian visas to Muslims who come from countries that are members of the OIC countries. Each country can assist in re-settling genuine refugees by contributing to building and operating refugee camps in Muslim countries, such as the Gulf States.[8]

Unlike Lebanon and Jordan, which took in some 1.5 million Syrians, the Gulf States of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman and the UAE have been accused of having accepted very few, if any, asylum-seekers. Human rights activists have been sternly critical of Gulf leaders, blaming them for turning their backs on their Arab brothers. Spokespersons from dozens of organizations, from Amnesty International to Human Rights Watch, have lashed out at Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Gulf Cooperation Council for their inaction.

“Gulf States haven’t accepted a single refugee,” said Bassa Al-Ahmad from the Violation Documentation Center, a Syrian NGO documenting human rights violations in the civil war. “We hear about some European countries helping out, but nothing from the Gulf.”[9]

The Gulf States must be pressured into taking all future Muslim refugees, together with Muslims turned away or deported from Western countries.

6. Impose a 10-year moratorium on granting citizenship to Muslim migrants

It’s time to focus on integrating the immigrants who are already here. Governments must demand that immigrants who are already here assimilate into their Western host societies, adapt to the existing values and abide by the host country’s laws.

If Western governments are going to effectively manage the Islamic imbroglio, they have one choice and one choice only. They must say to Muslims, “Regrettably, it is clear that Allah’s precepts in the Qur’an and their outworking, as shown by the history of Islam, are not compatible with our country’s secular democracy and our social norms. Either change your life and reject the teachings of the Qur’an and remain in our country as a citizen or migrate to a country where the precepts of the Qur’an are accepted and practiced.”

Before a Muslim receives citizenship in a Western country, he/she must swear their first allegiance to the laws, customs and constitution of that country. In particular, they should be required to sign a pledge certifying:

  • The supremacy of the law of the host country over sharia law.
  • Respect for all other religions.
  • Their understanding that all persons are equal before the law.
  • Their belief in the freedom of expression
  • Equality of the sexes.

If they can’t abide by Western laws and cultural norms, their resident visas should be canceled. They must be told that, as they can’t assimilate, they should migrate to a country where the precepts of the Quran are accepted and practiced.

The Swiss have set a good example of this.

Swiss deny citizenship to Muslim girls who balked at swimming with boys

In a move to deny citizenship to those who balk at Swiss culture, authorities rejected the naturalization application of two Muslim girls who refused to take school swimming lessons because boys were present.

The girls, ages 12 and 14, who live in the northern city of Basel, had applied for Swiss citizenship several months previously, but their request was denied, Swiss media reported on June 26, 2016.

The girls, whose names were not disclosed, said their religion prevents them from participating in compulsory swimming lessons with males in the pool at the same time. Their naturalization application was rejected because the sisters did not comply with the school curriculum, Basel authorities said.

“Whoever doesn’t fulfill these conditions violates the law and therefore cannot be naturalized,” Stefan Wehrle, president of the naturalization committee, told the Swiss German-language television station, SRF.[10]

Another case sparked widespread outrage in Switzerland when two Muslim brothers refused to shake hands with their female teacher, also citing religious restrictions. Shaking hands with a teacher is a common practice in Swiss schools.

After that incident was widely publicized, authorities suspended the naturalization request from the boys’ father, an imam at the Basel mosque.

7. Governments to take control of halal certification

According to a recent report, published by the World Halal Forum, global trade in halal food and beverages is currently estimated to be worth around US$1.4 trillion annually.[11] With Islam now considered to be the second largest religion, and the fastest growing, Muslims are soon expected to represent the largest share of global consumer spending.[12]

It has been reported that the halal market is currently worth 16 per cent of the entire global food industry and is predicted to rise to 20 per cent in the near future.

The above figures are taken from a pro-Islam publication.[13]

It is all very well to boast about the size of the halal market, and if Muslims want to pay a tax to ensure their food is halal, so well and good. The problem is the halal tax is applied to around 80 per cent of all foodstuffs in Western stores, whether or not it is for Muslim or non-Muslim consumption.

Under threat of Muslim boycott, virtually all major food manufacturers, including international companies such as Cadbury, Kraft, Kellogg’s, Sara Lee, Maggi, Vegemite, McDonald’s Burger King and Subway, have rolled over, with the result that nearly every citizen pays the hidden halal tax. The halal-certification protection-racket skims off billions by way of an involuntary, and often hidden, tax on abattoirs, chicken-processors, fast food outlets, a wide range of wholesale and retail food items, many restaurants and even transport companies. From there it flows to Islamic organizations to establish mosques, schools and, in some cases, the financing of terrorist groups, via complex interlocking “charities.”[14]

Governments need to take complete control of halal certification.

  • All halal certified food should be clearly labeled as such.
  • The halal tax paid by consumers should be made illegal.
  • If certification is required, it should be on a user-pays basis.

This action will serve to cut off a major source of Islamic funding. If governments refuse, or are slow to act, the activist groups can organize boycotts of companies and groups paying the halal tax.

8. Make it an offense to propose or implement sharia law

Sharia law is a fascist system that seeks to govern all aspects of a Muslims life, including political, legal, military, family and sexual matters. True Muslims place observance of sharia above the man-made laws of their host countries. Where there is clear evidence of a non-citizen practicing sharia law, that person should be deported.

9. Deport immigrant and refugee criminals

Immigrants and refugees who are not citizens, who are found guilty of a crime punishable by a minimum jail term of six months (whether or not such a sentence is imposed), or are convicted of multiple summary offences, should automatically be stripped of their visas and sent back to their country of origin immediately they have been dealt with by the courts.

10. Subdue fifth columns in our midst

After increasing terrorist atrocities in Western countries, it is slowly dawning on political leaders that the Islamic jihadists are at war with the West. In a state of war, no country can allow a fifth column to operate in its midst. We need to know where Islamic leaders stand. Are they with us or with the jihadists?

There are at least two rather obvious reasons why the left is sympathetic to Islam, characteristics the two ideologies have in common. One is the abiding, bitter hatred of Western societies and their cultures, even though they largely live and operate within those societies. They are jealous and embarrassed by the success and wealth of the West and long to tear it down by whatever means that come to hand. The other common trait is unfettered totalitarianism. They both consider absolute rule over all of humanity as not only essential but their “God-given” right – although one of the two “isms” professes atheism. Should one or the other reach the stage of being poised to be victorious, the other will suddenly realize that there is no room for both in the world.

The totalitarianism of Islam will never be defeated in the Western world until the leftists in academia, media, judiciary, the ruling elites and the bureaucracy lose their enchantment with totalitarianism and/or have their influence in Western culture minimized or eliminated. In any conflict between freedom (i.e., limited government and free enterprise) and totalitarianism of any sort, be it the secular totalitarianism of the communists and Nazis or the theological totalitarianism of Islam, the left invariably back the totalitarians.

We must stop pretending that Islam is merely a religion, and recognize it for what it is: a totalitarian ideology that aims to conquer the West. A free society should not grant special privileges to those who want to destroy it. Every halal shop, every mosque, every Islamic school and every burka is regarded by Islam as a step towards the ultimate goal of our submission to sharia law.

As such, we must aim to close down all Islamic schools, for they are totalitarian institutions where young children are indoctrinated into an ideology of violence and hatred. If the schools can’t be closed, then at least they should receive no taxpayer funding. And they should be strictly monitored to ensure they adhere to community and education standards.

Governments and local authorities must forbid the construction of new mosques, which Islam regards as symbols of its triumph.

And there is another powerful fifth column that has crept up upon us without many people noticing.

“In time, this world will be China’s”

So boasted the brother of Chinese billionaire Ye Cheng to journalist Philip Wen at a boozy banquet to celebrate Ye Cheng’s acquisition of the port of Darwin, Australia, by his company, the Langbridge Group.[15]

But the company’s Chinese-language website reveals extensive details of the creation of a “people’s armed militia” by the Landbridge Group – demonstrating its close links to both the Communist Party and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Ye Cheng is a senior Communist Party official.

Geoff Wade, a visiting fellow at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy and a Chinese linguist, who translated the Landbridge website, said: “In short, Landbridge is a commercial front –intimately tied to state-owned operations, the party and the PLA.”[16]

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has developed a highly sophisticated, multi-faceted plan targeting overseas Chinese numbering some 50 million people, calling on their loyalty to the motherland to assist in propaganda, influence-peddling, and infiltration of government, business and university organizations (see Chapter 3 above.)

Spies, plants, informants, sympathizers and agents of influence – the PRC has managed to inveigle them all into most Western countries.

What is needed is for each government to launch an inquiry into the extent of fifth-column activity in its country, and to make recommendations to deal with such activity.

  11. Test the loyalty of Islamic leaders

After each terrorist atrocity, condemnation from Islamic leaders seldom occurs, or, at best, some mealy-mouthed excuse that the terrorists are not following Islam, the “religion of peace.”

Islam jargon does have powerful words to denounce terrorists. The strongest possible condemnation can be expressed by calling terrorists al-murtadeen, literally, “the apostates.” After a terrorist attack, our government leaders must call on Muslim leaders to denounce the terrorists as al-murtadeen. If, as Muslim leaders say, the terrorists are not following Islam, they should have no difficulty in calling the terrorists, al-murtadeen.

The term al-murtadeen is extremely strong. It suggests that anyone who commits terror isn’t Muslim, and is an apostate. Under Islamic law, the penalty for apostasy is death.

Calling on Muslim leaders to condemn terrorists as al-murtadeen will surely sort out peaceful leaders from passive terrorists.

In most Western countries, a considerable of amount of taxpayers’ funds go to supporting Islamic groups, organizations and schools.

Therefore, registration and taxpayer funding of every Islamic organization in Western countries should be withheld until the leaders of those organizations sign the Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding, as devised by former Islamic jurist, Sam Solomon.[17]

If Islam really is a religion of peace, as touted by these leaders, they should have no difficulty in signing the charter.

Some of the key points of the charter are that signatories should agree to:

  • Respect all non-Muslims by issuing a fatwa prohibiting the use of force and violence against the followers of any or all non-Muslim religions.
  • Respect and honor all civilizations, cultures and traditions of other nations and people irrespective of their ethnic or religious backgrounds.
  • Fight terrorism through full co-operation with authorities and monitoring mosque sermons.
  • Declare that all acts of terrorism are prohibited, shunned and outlawed.

    12. Support Muslim reformers

Western leaders have a habit of hobnobbing with Islamic leaders with ties to jihadists.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama on occasions invited to the White House a number of Muslims, some with known links to terror groups. In February 2015, Obama secretly met Islamic leaders, including at least one with disturbingly close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization.

After stonewalling journalists for two days about the names of the participants at the meeting, the White House quietly attached the list of attendees to the end of its daily media briefing transcript two days later.

Among the guests who visited the president was Azhar Azeez, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Azeez has deep connections to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization, as does his society.

According to a declassified FBI document, the ISNA was categorized as a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood as early as 1987. Past leaders of ISNA include Abdurrahman Alamoudi, who was convicted on terrorism-related charges in 2004.[18]

Instead of getting into bed with such leaders, Obama and other Western leaders would better serve their constituents by supporting Muslims seeking genuine reform of Islam.

Dr. Tawfik Hamid (below) has joined with other prominent Muslims to form the Muslim Reform Movement (Appendix 6).

They should be given every encouragement and support by Western governments.

Part of the preamble of the movement states:

We are Muslims who live in the 21st century. We stand for a respectful, merciful and inclusive interpretation of Islam. We are in a battle for the soul of Islam, and an Islamic renewal must defeat the ideology of Islamism, or politicized Islam, which seeks to create Islamic states, as well as an Islamic caliphate.[19]

The most prominent Muslim calling for reform is President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt. In a brave speech before Al-Azhar and the Awqaf Ministry on New Year’s Day, 2015, and in connection to Prophet Muhammad’s upcoming birthday, Egyptian President al-Sisi, a vocal supporter for a renewed vision of Islam, made what must be his most forceful and impassioned plea to date on the subject.

Among other things, al-Sisi said that the “corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries” are “antagonizing the entire world”; that it is not “possible that 1.6 billion people [reference to the world’s Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants – that is 7 billion – so that they themselves may live”; and that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) “is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost – and it is being lost by our own hands.” He went on to say:

I am referring here to the religious clerics. We have to think hard about what we are facing – and I have, in fact, addressed this topic a couple of times before. It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire umma [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!

That thinking – I am not saying “religion” but “thinking” – that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It’s antagonizing the entire world!

Is it possible that 1.6 billion people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants – that is 7 billion – so that they themselves may live? Impossible!

I am saying these words here at Al Azhar before this assembly of scholars and ulema [body of Muslim scholars] – Allah Almighty be witness to your truth on Judgment Day concerning that which I’m talking about now.

All this that I am telling you, you cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You need to step outside of yourselves to be able to observe it and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.

I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move… because this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost – and it is being lost by our own hands.[20]

This was a brave and important speech indeed from an important Muslim leader.

There are also a number of brave former Muslim women, risking their lives by speaking out publicly about the dangers that Islam poses for the West, including Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish and Wafa Sultan.[21]

13. A plan to combat Islamic terrorism

After each terrorist atrocity on home soil, former French President François Hollande used to plaintively bleat, “We are at war.” He never clearly identified the enemy the French were at war with or how the war was to be conducted, other than putting a few thousand troops and armed police on the streets for a few weeks.

Unfortunately, Hollande typifies the ruling elites in Western countries whose minds have been completely taken over by political correctness.

No single solution exists to combat the problems of Islamism and Islamic terrorism. Military power alone will not solve them. Neither will the so-called “deradicalization” programs introduced by some governments.[22] Only through an integration of different tactics can we hope to achieve victory in the war on terrorism.

Firstly we must understand the mindset of the jihadist.

Sadly, the political elites and experts seem to lack real insight into the minds of jihadists.

There is no better exposition of the jihadist mindset than that detailed by former jihadist and now a vocal proponent of Islamic reform, Tawfik Hamid in his book, Inside Jihad: How Radical Islam Works.

Dr. Hamid explains how he was radicalized while a student at Cairo University medical school. He was slowly indoctrinated over the course of a few months into jihadism. Indoctrination begins with the suppression of critical thinking. He relates how his jihadist teacher, Muchtar, encouraged him to “leave my brain at the door” and his use of the phrase al-fikr kufr (“thinking critically makes one an infidel”).

He says:

The suppression of my critical thinking was the most important factor that trapped me on the path to jihadism. All other techniques of indoctrination depend on it.

One cannot become a jihadist if reason and objectivity aren’t thoroughly crushed.[23]

From there it is a gradual process that occurs broadly and in three stages: hatred, suppression of conscience and desensitization towards violence.[24]

The offer of Paradise and unlimited sex is a powerful motivating force for potential jihadists. Consider the following inducement:

In Paradise: When the Muslim enters the room to have sex with the first lady of the 72 hur (beautiful ladies with wide eyes and white skin), he will find her waiting on the bed… He will not become bored at having sex with her and she will not become bored of having sex with him… and every time he has sex with her he will find her a virgin again… and his penis will never relax.[25]

Suicide-bombers and terrorists are motivated not only to not fear death, but actually seek death because they have been indoctrinated in the false belief that if they die in the cause of Allah, they, and their immediate family, will get an immediate free pass to that mythical place, Paradise.

As we saw in Chapter 9, a 17-year-old Afghan asylum-seeker brandishing an axe and shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is the greatest”) seriously injured five people on a train in Würzburg, Bavaria, before he was shot dead by police. He left a farewell letter which read: “Now pray for me so that I can take revenge on these infidels. Pray for me that I can get to paradise.”

Such twisted belief is caused by one of the greatest con tricks in history.

Borrowing from the Christian doctrine of Heaven, Mohammad embellished the concept with the promise of 72 virgins awaiting each jihadist as he arrived in Paradise (it is not clear what awaits female suicide-bombers, and if they can’t find a male relative in Paradise, are they required to stay indoors?). Because Islamic teachings actively discourage Muslims from thinking for themselves, they accept this perverted concept without query. They have never stopped to think and wonder how a mangled body, or even a collection of body parts, is going to have sex with the houris (see Appendix 1: glossary).

It is more than a little strange that at least some Muslims might have wondered if Paradise is such a wonderful place, how is it that nobody in 1,400 years has returned to tell the Muslim world of its glories?

Now that millions of Muslims have access to the Internet, there needs to be a large social media campaign to drive home the falsity of Mohammad’s massively evil con trick.

If the re-education plan fails to slow down suicide attacks, because the bombers and terrorists still believe they are on the way to Paradise, then the next step in the process will surely make them think again.

This procedure will require Western leaders and authorities to throw off their shackles of political correctness and their appeasement of Muslims, and show some real resoluteness of purpose.

The bodies recovered after each suicide attack or terrorist attack on Western soil should not be returned to their families or Muslim authorities, but rather flung into open graves and a pig’s head or pig’s offal thrown on top. These events should be photographed and widely publicized on social media. Every potential terrorist will soon realize that the chance of going to Paradise following an attack, will be close to zero and they will have wasted their lives for nothing.[26]

I suspect that this action, drastic as it may sound, will dramatically reduce the incidence of suicide attacks, and that must be a good thing.

14. Cease taxpayer funding of left-wing propaganda organizations

Governments must cease funding the BBC and Australia’s ABC. Both behemoths of publicly funded green-left propaganda should be privatized, thus saving the taxpayers billions. These organizations can still be free to continue their proselytizing of Islam and left-wing causes such as global warming, but not at taxpayer expense.

The ABC, in its appeasement of Islam, has hired as a presenter, former spokesman for the Islamic Council of Victoria, Waleed Aly. When covering Islamic terrorism, the ABC trots out Aly to downplay the Islamic connection. He is also a co-host of Network Ten’s news and current affairs television program, The Project.

Aly is put up as the face of a “moderate” Muslim. When discussing terrorism, the word “Islamic” will never cross his lips. He once assured listeners of Melbourne’s Radio 3AW that the then Mufti of Australia, Sheik Taj el-Din el-Hilali, was not a security threat despite the fact that el-Hilali had lauded suicide-bombers as “heroes” and described the September 11 terrorist attacks on America as “God’s work against oppressors.”[27]

Incredibly, Aly, despite his controversial views, doubles as a lecturer at Monash University’s Global Terrorism Research Centre.

A similar situation occurs in Norway. In addition to running two of Norway’s three broadcast channels, and most of its radio, the Norwegian government subsidizes several newspapers. As a result, the Norwegian media rarely break out of lockstep with the social-democratic orthodoxy of the government, an orthodoxy that is anti-American and pro-EU and pro-Islam.

A suggested way to privatize the left-wing, taxpayer-funded propaganda organizations is to set up specific lobby groups under the banner “Citizens to privatize (Insert organization name).” The lobby groups would work to sell the public and politicians on privatizing the organization in question. Each of these media organizations has billions of dollars in assets, including buildings, equipment, technology and intellectual property. The Australian government, for example, may see the benefit of saving over one billion dollars per year funding its left-wing monster as well as repairing its budget by recouping billions from listing the ABC on the stock market.

Privatizing these organizations will not necessarily cause their demise, but it will make them accountable to shareholders and to market pressures. (Of course, being thrown into the despised capitalist system may cause a few heart palpitations amongst the staff).

15. Disband all human rights commissions

Each of these bodies is generally populated with university graduates grounded in cultural Marxism with the result that their main targets are white males, particularly of the conservative type. It is doubtful a non-white has ever been hauled before them.

These bodies represent another attack upon freedom of expression as they are especially active in hauling critics of Islam before them.

With the repeal of laws based on race, ethnicity, and gender, the commissioners will have nothing to do.

Each government in the English-speaking countries already has numerous laws, agencies and tribunals to protect its citizens against bullying and intimidation.

16. Free the universities from the scourge of cultural Marxism

A large part of the population of the Western world, particularly the English-speaking world, is in the grip of cultural Marxism (or more accurately, Gramscian Marxism, a form of Marxism by stealth, initiated by Italian communist leader, Antonio Gramsci).

It manifests itself as political correctness, but it goes much deeper than that. Gramscian Marxism threatens our very culture and indeed our great Western tradition.

Every Western person starting school after the late 1960s is likely to be a Gramsci zealot, or at least a Gramsci acolyte.

Gramscian Marxist indoctrination starts in kindergarten. Western Christian tradition is downplayed with the banning of Nativity plays. The neutering of boys commences. They are told, for instance, not to be rowdy or play in a boisterous manner.

As a child progresses through grade school the trashing of Western civilization commences. Instead of learning about the Enlightenment and the great achievements of the West – freedom of speech, the rule of law and parliamentary democracy – the child is taught about the evils of slavery, the Crusades and colonialism. And, of course, how man-made global warming is about to destroy the planet.

Students are imbued with the concepts of “social justice,” “diversity,” “white privilege” and the “benefits” of multiculturalism.

The child graduates from school as a Gramsci acolyte and proceeds to university which is really a Gramsci finishing school.

Students there are introduced to women’s studies, gay studies, victim studies, critical theory, and postmodernism.

Patrick Deneen, associate professor of constitutional studies at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, describes his students thus:

My students are know-nothings. They are exceedingly nice, pleasant, trustworthy, mostly honest, well-intentioned, and utterly decent. But their brains are largely empty, devoid of any substantial knowledge that might be the fruits of an education in an inheritance and a gift of a previous generation. They are the culmination of western civilization, a civilization that has forgotten nearly everything about itself, and as a result, has achieved near-perfect indifference to its own culture.[28]

Such brains are open to Gramscian Marxist programming.

By the time they graduate, the young adults have progressed from Gramsci acolytes to Gramsci zealots. Now they will brook no dissenting views. People with conservative views are to be vilified and shut down and, in many instances, threatened with violence.

As professors, journalists, judges, social workers and graduate police superintendents, they will live Gramscian lives, spreading Gramscian concepts. They will see Gramsci concepts as the natural order of things, and they are amazed, even horrified, that some people could have alternate views.

Diana West, Yuri Bezmenov, and Victor Kravchenko referred to this concept as Stalin’s grip on the American mind (see Chapter 5 above).

As Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov said, “You are stuck with them – they are programmed to act in certain ways – you cannot get them to change their minds, even if you expose them to authentic information.”

Bezmenov believed the current generation (at the time of his interview in 1984), was a lost cause. He said the only solution was for succeeding generations to be correctly educated by removing all Gramscian indoctrination from the various curricula.

As long as universities turn out left-wing cheer squads for the Islamists, the Greens and all left-wing causes, it will be difficult to implement real change. Hence there must be strong action to wrest control of the universities back from the Gramscian Marxists. The Marxists must be removed from the teaching staff. Then all Gramscian Marxism must be removed from the university curricula, including women’s studies, gay studies, transgender studies, victim studies, multicultural studies and affirmative action.

This will be a tough task, but it must be done, or else all the other proposed remedies will come to naught, as the universities will continue turning out Marxist-indoctrinated future politicians, lawyers, judges, journalists, academics and social workers.

As an interim measure, I propose setting up citizens’ university audit groups to monitor the universities and gather data on the courses offered, focusing on anti-Western and culturally destructive courses. The groups can publicize details of the courses and the professors and lecturers delivering such courses by way of media releases and social media. Then, to borrow from the leftist activists, the audit groups should set up campus groups promoting Western civilization courses while denouncing the anti-Western courses.

If it proves too difficult to root out the cultural subversives from the universities, then another approach should be to raise funds to set up new universities to compete with the current culturally-compromised universities. This task will be made easier by the current trend to deliver much university material online.

The new universities would initially offer subjects in humanities, law and science. The curricula would be free of race/ethnic/gender studies, affirmative action and free of pandering to leftists, Marxists, Greens and Muslims.

Each such university should incorporate a National Centre of Excellence for Western Civilization Studies.

17. Take back the education system from the Gramscian Marxists to prevent indoctrination of the youth

As indoctrination starts at school, there must be a re-vamping of the school system. Instead of the evils of Western civilization promoted by Marxist history professors, there needs to be an emphasis on the benefits of Western civilization and a return to proven teaching methods along with a greater level of discipline.

With suitable funding, new schools could be set up offering Marxist-free and union-free education focusing on teaching methods that worked well a couple of generations ago. Governments in most countries subsidize private schools to a greater or lesser degree. Ideally, the systems should be changed so that for funding schools, governments should provide students with education vouchers to attend schools of their choice.[29] This would allow Marxist-free charter schools to be set up to attract parents/students who wanted such an education.

18. Enact legislation holding political leaders to the same level of accountability as company directors

Governments are fond of imposing increasingly onerous conditions of accountability on company directors while they recklessly splash around taxpayers funds on cynical vote-buying exercises, which has led to severe financial problems for many Western nations.

Respected economist and former chairman of the Australian Securities Exchange, Maurice Newman, summed up the situation:

The West has now reached the point where total private and public debt, together with unfunded government liabilities, can never be repaid by an ageing demographic. One day even debt servicing will be an issue. With fewer taxpayers and lenders, the ability to take from the future to provide for the present will end. This is when we see the final collapse of the great international governmental Ponzi scheme.[30]

The Australian Corporations Act imposes criminal liabilities, including $200,000 fines and five years’ imprisonment, on directors if they:

(a)    Are reckless or intentionally dishonest and fail to act in good faith in the best interests of the company or fail to act for a proper purpose;

(b)   Use their position dishonestly with the intention of gaining an advantage for themselves or someone else or with the intention of causing detriment to the company; and

(c)    Use their position recklessly so that the use may result in themselves or someone else gaining an advantage or may result in causing detriment to the company.

Some national leaders would be facing serious jail time if they were governed by similar laws.

19. Cease funding of all climate-change projects until an independent study and cost/benefit analysis is carried out

Due to pressure from Greens and other global-warming vested interests, governments are already implementing extremist policies to combat perceived man-made global warming – although the planet has not shown any appreciable warming for at least 17 years. Global warming has been renamed as climate change, a much safer name as climates are always changing.

If the dangerous policies are fully implemented, there will be extremely serious consequences for both the industrial capacity and the financial viability of Western nations.

Before we proceed further down this dangerous path, there must be a thorough investigation of the available data to ascertain if human activity is causing an increase in global temperature, and if so, what danger does it present. All studies to date have been funded on the premise that they will “prove” the existence of global warming. There is no funding available for the alternative.

Hence an independent committee must be set up to examine all the available data. The committee will need to examine the original raw data and not the massaged data of the global-warming advocates. For example, the raw data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology shows a slight cooling of Australian temperatures in the latter half of the 20th century. The bureau then carried out a process they call “homogenization” and, lo and behold, the homogenized figures show a noticeable increase in temperature.

Australia’s premier science organization, the taxpayer-funded Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), has been corrupted by the massive funding available from government and various sources to promote the global-warming hoax. Funding is only available to scientists willing to produce research supporting the global-warming hypothesis.

In November 2009, Clive Spash, an economist employed by the CSIRO, attempted to publish a peer-reviewed paper critical of a proposed emissions-trading scheme (ETS), but its publication was banned by the agency. Clive Spash accused the agency of hindering public debate and trampling on his civil liberties by preventing the research being published in the British journal, New Political Economy. He claimed he had been subjected to harassment by the senior agency management.

“I’ve had enough,” said Mr. Spash said, on resigning from the CSIRO a month later, “My health was suffering. There is only so much bullying and harassment one person can take.”[31]

And the fact that former CSIRO chief executive Dr. Megan Clark is also the director of a Tasmanian company which specializes in carbon-sequestration calls into question the integrity and neutrality of the CSIRO.

There should be a drastic re-allocation of taxpayer funds so that an equal amount is allocated to scientists willing to do research that may disprove the global-warming hypothesis. Better still, all funding should be withdrawn from partisan political projects.

If it is shown that man-made global-warming is indeed taking place, and that it poses a danger, then a detailed cost/benefit comparison of the two alternative mitigation scenarios should take place.

The first scenario to be examined is the reduction of so-called greenhouse gases from a range of industries.

The second scenario is to examine the cost of adaptive policies, such as building dams, irrigation systems, nuclear power plants, etc., and moving populations away from certain coastal areas at risk from expected rising oceans.

Only after such investigations should governments proceed with the most efficacious and cost-effective solutions.

Humans are quite capable of adapting to a few degrees’ increase in temperature. At the moment, humans have learned to cope with average temperatures as high as 50 degrees Celsius in Saudi Arabia and as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius in Northern Europe.

20. Take steps to prevent or mitigate an EMP attack

As Newt Gingrich warned (see Chapter 2 above):

… electromagnetic pulse [EMP] is the largest, single threat to our civilization. It’s absurd how little we spend on coping with it, because if you harden enough, it’s not a threat; but if you don’t harden enough, and we get hit with an electromagnetic pulse, your civilization collapses.

If it is beyond the control of Western governments to prevent an EMP attack, then the authorities must be pressured to at least take the threat seriously and harden the systems vulnerable to such an attack. The know-how required to harden the systems exists. It just takes willingness of the authorities to act.

Citizens themselves can take a number steps to mitigate the impact of an EMP attack.

Following an attack, members of households without access to water and food may well be doomed. It behooves families to ensure continuity of water, food and medical supplies.

If electricity systems are unavailable for an extended period, then apart from basic essentials such as food and water, the best way for families to maintain a semblance of normality is to generate their own electricity. While roof-top solar systems are increasing in popularity, the standard systems without battery back-up will be useless. Any inverter (the device that converts the low-voltage direct current from solar panels into mains voltage) that interfaces with the electricity grid system has a statutory requirement to be fitted with what is known as an anti-islanding feature. This is a safety feature which causes the inverter to shut down immediately it detects a loss of mains power.

To ensure continuity of electricity in the event of grid failure, the standard solar system must be modified to include a battery back-up system that feeds a separate inverter that has no anti-islanding feature. Such a system ensures that essential items such as refrigerators, freezers and lights can operate indefinitely.

And, of course, water and food supplies are essential for long-term survival. Survival preparation, including food and water storage, is a subject in its own right and is beyond the scope of this book. However, Appendix 8 lists resources the reader can turn to for further information.

21. Restore diminishing sovereignty to Western nations

The unelected elites at the United Nations have, for many years, been whittling away at the sovereignty of Western countries by coercing them to sign on to UN treaties, often without parliamentary scrutiny and certainly without scrutiny by the citizens of the respective countries.

The time has come for parliaments to review all UN conventions and revoke all conventions that are not in the best interests of the citizens.

Then laws need to be passed preventing future UN conventions from being adopted in a country without a prior referendum.


These are drastic prescriptions; but, in my opinion, nothing less will succeed.

The West faces many grave dangers, as described in this book. If a single threat, or multiple threats in combination, come to pass, it could very well usher in the end of Western civilization.

Although it is difficult to predict the probability of an EMP attack, the most obvious threat is the Islamic jihad against the West.

If we are to rescue our culture and our civilization, we must recognize the terrible danger of Islamic totalitarianism (Islamofascism) that we have silently nurtured over the decades.

The Islamic jihad against the West is a vampire that has tasted blood. It will not cease its predations until we drive a stake through its heart.

We are the beneficiaries of the world’s most enlightened civilization.

It is our turn to fight for its future.

* * * * *

Let Winston Churchill have the penultimate word:

Civilization will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be kept, unless a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them and show themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric and atavistic forces will stand in awe.[32]

And let President Trump have the final word.

On July 6, 2017, on the site of the Warsaw Uprising, in the heart of post-communist democratic Poland, President Trump gave a powerful speech exposing the threats to the West and what the West must do to survive. He concluded with the following words:

This continent no longer confronts the specter of communism. But today we’re in the West, and we have to say there are dire threats to our security and to our way of life.

We are confronted by another oppressive ideology — one that seeks to export terrorism and extremism all around the globe. America and Europe have suffered one terror attack after another.

We are fighting hard against radical Islamic terrorism, and we will prevail. We cannot accept those who reject our values and who use hatred to justify violence against the innocent.

Today, the West is also confronted by the powers that seek to test our will, undermine our confidence, and challenge our interests.

We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith, and tradition that make us who we are. If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.

And above all, we value the dignity of every human life, protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of every soul to live in freedom. That is who we are. Those are the priceless ties that bind us together as nations, as allies, and as a civilization.

What we have, what we inherited from our — and you know this better than anybody, and you see it today with this incredible group of people — what we’ve inherited from our ancestors has never existed to this extent before. And if we fail to preserve it, it will never, ever exist again. So we cannot fail.

Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield – it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls.

And today as ever, Poland is in our heart, and its people are in that fight. Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive.

And our civilization will triumph.[33]


Chapter 13: How Can Western Civilization Be Rescued?

[1]       “Dutch general election, 2017”, Wikipedia.

Rick Moran, “Did Geert Wilders really ‘lose’ the Dutch election?”, American Thinker, March 16, 2017.

[2]       Geert Wilders, Marked for Death: Islam’s War Against the West and Me (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2012), p. 5.

[3]       “Barnett says anti-Islam Wilders not welcome in WA”, ABC News (Australia), October 4, 2012.

[4]       James Dowling, “Protestors attacked me, claims member of Geert Wilders audience”, Herald Sun (Melbourne), February 21, 2013.

[5]       Aleisha Orr, “Dutch politician touches down in Perth”, WA Today (Perth), February 20, 2013.

[6]       Yuri Bezmenov interviewed by G. Edward Griffin on television in 1984 and quoted in: James Burke, “Former KGB agent explains communist ideological subversion in America”, Vision Times (New York), August 30, 2015.

[7]       The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is a collection of 57 Islamic member states. By voting as a bloc, the 57 member countries exercise a huge influence over United Nations activities and outcomes.

[8]       Cliff Spectre, “How to help Muslim refugees”, American Thinker, September 7, 2016.

[9]       Felice Friedson and Joshua A. Holmes, “As Europe faces Syrian refugees crisis, Gulf States slammed for not taking in Arab brethren”, Jerusalem Post, February 10, 2016.

[10]     Helena Bachmann, “Swiss deny citizenship to Muslim girls who balked at swimming with boys”, USA Today, June 28, 2016.

[11]     Farouk, “Advances in the industrial production of halal and kosher red meat”, op. cit.

[12]     M. van der Spiegel et alia, “Halal assurance in food supply chains”, op. cit.

[13]     Evangelia Komitopoulou, “Recent facts on the global halal market and the role of halal certification”, Société Générale de Surveillance (Geneva), November 23, 2015.

[14]     Larry Pickering, “The terror tax (part 12)”, Pickering Post (Australia), March 4, 2015.

[15]     Philip Wen, “In time, this world will be China’s: business anticipates profound power shift”, Herald Sun (Melbourne), September 10, 2016.

[16]     Brendan Nicholson, “Military ties to port owner”, The Australian, November 13, 2015 [paywall-protected article].

[17]     Sam Solomon, A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding (London: UK Independence Party, 2007; Melbourne: Australian adaptation, 2013).
URL: Australia.pdf

[18]     Raphael Poch, “In secret meeting, Obama meets with Muslim leaders with ties to terror”, Breaking Israel News (Beit Shemesh, Israel), February 18, 2015.

[19]     Muslim Reform Movement declaration.

[20]     Raymond Ibrahim, “Egypt’s Sisi: Islamic ‘thinking’ is ‘antagonizing the entire world’”, (USA) January 1, 2015.

[21]     Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations (New York: Free Press, 2010).

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (New York: HarperCollins, 2015).

“Hirsi Ali: Islamic terrorists ‘don’t go to liberals and say thank you’ for being PC”, Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News, March 22, 2017.

Nonie Darwish, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2008).

Nonie Darwish, “Urgent messages to the Muslim world”, Gatestone Institute (New York), March 22, 2017.

Wafa Sultan, A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam (New York: St Martin’s Press, 2009).

Adelle Nazarian, “Wafa Sultan: ‘ISIS is walking in the footsteps of Muhammad’”, Breitbart, August 26, 2016.

[22]     Douglas Murray, “The Prevent strategy: a textbook example of how to alienate just about everybody”, The Telegraph (UK), March 31, 2010.

Denis MacEoin, “How likely is deradicalization?”, Gatestone Institute (New York), October 26, 2014.

Matthew Holehouse, “Tony Blair’s anti-jihadist programme has failed, says ex-MI5 chief”, The Telegraph (UK), January 14, 2015.

Soeren Kern, “France: deradicalization of jihadists a ‘total fiasco’,” Gatestone Institute (New York), February 26, 2017.

A.Z. Mohamed, “Why Britain’s deradicalization programs are failing”, Gatestone Institute (New York), June 30, 2018.

[23]     Tawfik Hamid, Inside Jihad: How Radical Islam Works; Why It Should Terrify Us; How to Defeat It (Mountain Lake Park, Maryland: Mountain Lake Press, updated edition, 2015), p. 38.

[24]     Ibid., p. 32.

[25]     Ibid., p. 40.

[26]     David Greenfield, “How American soldiers used pig’s blood and corpses to fight Muslim terrorism”, FrontPage Magazine (USA), February 26, 2016.

[27]     Andrew Bolt, “Waleed Aly avoiding the obvious truth”, Herald Sun (Melbourne), May 7, 2014.

See also: Andrew Bolt, “Waleed Aly does it again: giving the murder of three young Jews some ‘broader’ context”, Herald Sun (Melbourne), July 2, 2014.

[28]     Patrick Deneen, “How a generation lost its common culture”, Minding the Campus (Manhattan Institute, NYC), February 2, 2016.

[29]     Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman, Free to Choose: A Personal Statement (New York: Harcourt, 1980), Ch. 6: “What’s wrong with our schools?”

David W. Kirkpatrick, Choice in Schooling: A Case for Tuition Vouchers (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1990).

Julie Novak, A Real Education Revolution: Options for Voucher Funding Reform (Melbourne: Institute of Public Affairs), July 2009.

[30]     Maurice Newman, “Lifting lid on a Ponzi scheme”, The Australian, January 23, 2013.

[31]     Stephen Pincock, “Researcher quits over science agency interference”, Nature (UK), December 4, 2009.

[32]     Winston S. Churchill: chancellor’s address, University of Bristol, Bristol, England, July 2, 1938, in Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches, 1897–1963, ed. Robert Rhodes James, vol. 6, p. 5991 (1974).

[33]     Remarks by President Trump to the people of Poland: A speech delivered in Krasinski Square, Warsaw, Poland, on July 6, 2017. Full text of speech at:

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