
14 Oct: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) – apocalypse coming

For years previous U.S. administrations have been aware of the potentially catastrophic threat posed by an EMP event, both man-made and natural,  but did little to protect its citizens.

No lesser a figure than the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, warned of the extreme consequences of an EMP attack. In a speech delivered at the National Defense University in Washington, DC, on December 14, 2016, Gingrich declared that:

…. electromagnetic pulse is the largest, single threat to our civilization. It’s absurd how little we spend on coping with it, because if you harden enough, it’s not a threat; but if you don’t harden enough, and we get hit with an electromagnetic pulse, your civilization collapses.

Now under President Trump, the administration has acted.

On October 9, 2018 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a report entitled “Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of Electromagnetic Pulse and Geomagnetic Disturbances.”

The following is an extract from Chapter Two of my book, “Western Civilization Under Siege”. (Free download of book).

What is EMP?

EMP Starfish

05 May: Western Civilisation’s Coming Apocalypse now available at Amazon

Book cover

My new book is now available as a Kindle book on Amazon. During the pre-launch stage, it can be purchased for just A$2.02, after which the price will rise to US$7.95

Editorial review

This extraordinary book brings a grim warning to the West.

In Western Civilisation’s Coming Apocalypse, Kenneth Schultz exposes the existential threats to Western nations, and indeed Western civilization. He starts by quoting Mark Steyn, “Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive the twenty-first century and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries”.

26 Jan: Cowardly world leaders march up safe side street instead of with Charlie Hebdo marchers

Mass deception and cowardice of the political elites

The mainstream media breathlessly reported on the bravery and solidarity of world leaders marching with the million Charlie Hebdo marchers.



This is how Piers Morgan reported it for the notoriously left-wing Daily Mail:

It was one of the most powerful images of solidarity the world has seen since the end of World War II.

A million and a half people marching through the streets of Paris, some crying, many cheering, others chanting ‘Je suis Charlie!’ or singing La Marseillaise – that most spine-tingling of all national anthems.

At the head of the march were 50 world leaders; the Prime Ministers of France, Britain, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Turkey and Israel stood side-by-side, arm-in-arm with the German chancellor, the Palestinian president, and the Queen of Jordan. 

It was a fantastically moving spectacle as they all nudged forward, foot by foot, through the vast throng crowds.

Great story – except it wasn’t true.

The picture below reveals the truth.


The reality is the world leaders gathered in a deserted side-street for a photo-op. If you look at the video you will see the leaders looking left and right as if to acknowledge the crowds hanging out of windows. But look again at the top picture. There is not a soul to be seen hanging out of the windows in the deserted street. And it certainly wasn’t the Place de la Republique where the real march took place.

The few rows behind the leaders were made up of dignitaries and security people.

Pure theatre for the benefit of a compliant news media.

If you don’t believe me, then scan the various videos of the event. The leaders video has been cleverly spliced on to the marchers video, but you will never see the leaders actually leading the march.

03 Apr: Global warming an unproven hypothesis

The global warming believers claim that there is scientific consensus on global warming. But science is not based on consensus. Advancements in science are based on the application of the scientific method. Although there are some variations, it is generally accepted that  the scientific method consists of four distinct steps. In the first stage, a scientist notes a natural phenomenon. In the second stage, the scientist puts forward an hypothesis to explain the phenomenon. In the third stage, various scientists make predictions based on the hypothesis and carry out experiments to look for empirical evidence that will support or disprove the hypothesis. Finally, after rigorous testing with no empirical evidence found to disprove it, the hypothesis is accepted and advances to the status of a theory and becomes generally accepted. In the case of global warming, around 30 years ago some scientists noticed that global temperatures were gradually increasing over…

03 Apr: Maldives scaremongering

Global warming scare mongering: the Maldives is sinking fast – along with 60 Minutes credibility Elizabeth Krantz – 18 May 2009 Viewers of Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes on Sunday night 17th May 2009 were treated to one of the most deceptive and misleading stories imaginable as the producers let their global warming evangelism overcome journalistic integrity in a beat up of the Maldives supposed journey to the bottom of the ocean.     Reporter Liz Hayes gives the impression the ocean has risen this much in eight years Against a back-drop of the Maldives, reporter Liz Hayes exclaims “If ever you needed proof that global warming exists, it’s right here. The Maldives is drowning”. Very dramatic. So what proof did Hayes offer?   The camera shifts to Hayes standing waist-deep in water  lamenting “For me, this is quite a sight. I visited eight years ago, and I walked right here, on what was then dry,…