Threats to the West

01 Sep: Jihadist attacks and societal breakdown

As discussed in another article, Western nations are very vulnerable to attacks upon their electricity distribution and communication systems.

Any large-scale loss of electricity for any extended period of time would inevitably lead to societal breakdown.

If governments lose the ability to maintain order, civil society would quickly break down.

Sadly, in modern times, it doesn’t take much to trigger societal breakdown.

New York blackout “Night of terror”

A small taste of societal collapse occurred when lightning caused a power blackout in New York on July 13, 1977.

TIME Magazine described New York’s blackout in 1977 as a “Night of Terror.” Widespread chaos reigned in the city until power was restored – entire blocks were looted and set ablaze, people flipped over cars and vans on the streets; the city was in pandemonium. That night, 3,776 arrests were made, and certainly not all looters, thieves and arsonists were apprehended or arrested

04 Jun: The Grand Jihad against the West

The Grand Jihad against the West Dutch politician and outspoken critic of Islam, Geert Wilders, in his book, Marked for Death, issued this dire warning: We are facing a determined enemy who is striving through all means to destroy the West and snuff out our traditions of free thought, free speech, and freedom of religion. Make no mistake: if we fail we will be enslaved. In most Muslim countries the people are subjected to the totalitarian socio-political doctrine that Islam calls shariah, where women are repressed and draconian laws prevail. Under shariah, polygamy, marital rape, wife abuse, female genital mutilation and underage forced marriages are rife. Translated as “the path”, shariah is a comprehensive legal and political framework. Though it certainly has spiritual elements, it would be a mistake to think of shariah as a “religious” code in the Western sense because it seeks to regulate all manner of behaviour…

02 Jun: The Decline and Imminent Fall of the West – Part 3

The remorseless assault on free speech I don’t think most people really understand how advanced the Left’s assault on this core Western liberty actually is. Once the intellectual, cultural and moral foundations of American universities crumbled under the onslaught of the Communist/Marxist-led radicals, it was relatively easy to advance to the next stage; the attack upon freedom of expression, utilising political correctness and racial vilification laws. Such attacks were assisted by conventions passed by the Soviet/Chinese/Muslim dominated United Nations, each of these groups having a vested interest in suppressing free speech. Racial vilification laws The United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) states that “any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.”  More specifically, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) requires all signatory states to “declare an offence…

16 Oct: The threat we face

October 10, 2013 By David Horowitz    Below is a speech given by David Horowitz at the Kohler conference of the Bradley Foundation. It has been revised and edited for publication as an article. I was born at the beginning of the Second World War into a family of high school teachers who were members of the Communist Party, and therefore were actually part of a vast conspiracy dedicated to the destruction of this country, although they would never have looked at it that way, and so-called liberals would be the first to deny it.   In those days, the schools were old fashioned enough that my parents did not use their classrooms to indoctrinate students as tens of thousands of university professors and even more K-12 teachers regularly do today. It is also an unhappy but hugely important fact that the conspiracy to which my parents belonged has steadily…

15 Sep: Threats to the West

Something is wrong – Elizabeth Krantz Francis Fukuama famously declared the end of history is his eponymous book. I disagree with his thesis. I believe that the confluences of seismic events taking place now may well be the tipping point of history. We are witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth in history as the Western world is being bled dry by the oil crisis. The world consumes around 90 million barrels of oil per day. At US$110 a barrel, this amounts to daily transfer of $9.9 billion. At a conservative estimate, 60% or $6 billion is extracted from Western countriesdaily or $2.1 trillion annually. The wealth from the production of oil flows to countries that are in most cases unfriendly to the West or are avowed enemies of the West. Saudi Arabia extracts $1.1 billion daily for its 10 million barrels. Much of this money is recycled by Saudi Arabia…