Western Civilisation Under Siege

18 Oct: What happens after an EMP attack?

How would you know if an EMP attack had occurred?

You could be driving your automobile and it suddenly stops and refuses to re-start. You get out your mobile phone to call for help but notice there is no signal. You begin walking home and notice other vehicles stalled along the road. You finally reach home to find it blacked out – no lights, no TV and the refrigerator not working.

You then discover there is no running water and, after the first flush, the toilet does not refill. Even though you have solar panels on the roof, you discover that when the grid goes down the solar system automatically switches off. You switch on a battery-powered radio to hear a government message exhorting you to stay calm and that the power will be restored as soon as possible.

The truth is, power may not be restored for months or even years.

11 Oct: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) – a truly apocalyptic threat

For years previous U.S. administrations have been aware of the potentially catastrophic threat posesd by an EMP event, both man-made and natural but did little to protect its citizens.

No lesser a figure than the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, has warned of the extreme consequences of an EMP attack. In a speech delivered at the National Defense University in Washington, DC, on December 14, 2016, Gingrich declared that:

…. electromagnetic pulse is the largest, single threat to our civilization. It’s absurd how little we spend on coping with it, because if you harden enough, it’s not a threat; but if you don’t harden enough, and we get hit with an electromagnetic pulse, your civilization collapses.

Now the Trump administration has acted.

On October 9, 2018 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a report entitled “Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland Against Threats of Electromagnetic Pulse and Geomagnetic Disturbances.”

The following is an extract from Chapter Two of my book, “Western Civilization Under Siege” (Free download of book).

What is EMP?

EMP Starfish

The following is an extract from Chapter Two of my book, “Western Civilization Under Siege”. (Free download of book).

12 Sep: Western Civilisation Under Siege -Preface

Preface to my book, Western Civilization Under Siege

Is it too late to save the greatest civilization in history?

Internationally-renowned social commentator and author Mark Steyn[i] issued this ominous warning in his bestseller, America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It:

Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive the twenty-first century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries.[ii]

These dramatic words give pause for thought.

Is it really that serious?

I am certain it is.

In this book, I will set out to show you how I have arrived at this frightening conclusion.

09 Sep: Western Civilisation Under Siege – Cover

Preface Western Civilization Under Siege The book cover Under the sub-heading, The Assault on the Western Mind is a montage of faces representing what I consider to be eight of the most important players in reshaping and undermining the culture and philosophy of Western civilization. Clockwise from bottom left are: Xi Jinping – President of the People’s Republic of China and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. As well as flexing its military muscles with its neighbors, China is using soft-power to influence Western thought. As of 2014, it had set up “Confucius Institutes’ on 465 university campuses in 123 countries, to spread Chinese propaganda. Yusuf al-Qaradawi – spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, a Muslim group intent on waging jihad against the West by infiltrating Western institutions and spreading Islamic propaganda. George Soros – Using his massive wealth, Soros is the founder and financier of numerous left-wing…