The enemy within


17 May: Soros funding of “social justice” activist groups

These donations are extracted from the Form 990 annual return for 2017 for the Soros Foundation to Promote Open Society. Form 990 is a United States Internal Revenue Service form that provides the public with financial information about a non-profit organization. “Page” refers to the page number of the return for which the donation appears. A zero figure in the Amount column means the donation has been counted under another heading. You can view the complete form 990 here.


01 Jun: The Long March through the Institutions

Chapter 6: This chapter, in my opinion, is the most important chapter in the book. It details how we have got to where we are today, a deeply divided society, where one side, steeped in cultural Marxism and displaying a sense of moral superiority, hurls abuse at the other side, accusing it of racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, white supremacy and a host of other evils. 

13 May: Soros funding of Muslim activist groups

These donations are extracted from the Form 990 annual return for 2017 for the Soros Foundation to Promote Open Society. Form 990 is a United States Internal Revenue Service form that provides the public with financial information about a non-profit organization. “Page” refers to the page number of the return for which the donation appears. You can view the complete form 990 here.

Soros and LGBT

11 May: Soros funding of left wing activist groups – LGBT

These donations are extracted from the Form 990 annual return for 2017 for the Soros Foundation to Promote Open Society. Form 990 is a United States Internal Revenue Service form that provides the public with financial information about a nonprofit organization. “Page” refers to the page number of the return for which the donation appears. You can view the complete form 990 here.  

8 (Demo)

17 Jan: How the Ford Foundation manipulates public opinion to promote its Marxist agenda

One of the greatest threats to Western society comes not from external forces, but from the enemy within – groups and individuals dedicated to the weakening of the fabric of Western society in preparation for the establishment of their particular agenda, whether it be the overthrow of capitalism, installation of a Marxist system or taking sovereign countries into a system of world government ruled by unelected elites, or a combination of all three. One of the largest and most dangerous concentration of unchecked power in the United States is the Ford Foundation, an organization with annual discretionary spending of around $500 million. It is spending power, moreover, for the political left, including organizations with cultural Marxist goals. Because it claims tax-free status as a charity, the Ford Foundation must submit an annual tax return (Form 990) detailing its “charitable” spending. We have analysed the 2017 Form 990 to gauge their…